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#56 - Input Option Pairs v0.1

Combine the values of multiple inputs into one field.

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<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"> </script>
$(document).ready(function() {
    var groups = {};

    // Get all inputs with the attribute ms-code-combine-inputs
    var inputs = $('input[ms-code-combine-inputs], select[ms-code-combine-inputs]');

    // For each input
    inputs.each(function() {
        // Split the attribute value at the dash
        var parts = $(this).attr('ms-code-combine-inputs').split('-');

        // If the group doesn't exist yet, create it
        if (!groups[parts[0]]) {
            groups[parts[0]] = {
                targets: [],
                values: [],

        // If it's a target, add it to the targets
        if (parts[1] == 'target') {
        } else {
            // It's an input, add it to the values and attach a listener

            $(this).on('input change', function() {
                // On input or change, combine all values with a space in between
                // and set the targets' value
                var combinedValue = '';
                $.each(groups[parts[0]].values, function(index, value) {
                    combinedValue += $(this).val();
                    if (index < groups[parts[0]].values.length - 1) {
                        combinedValue += ' '; // Add a space between values

                $.each(groups[parts[0]].targets, function() {
Aucun élément n'a été trouvé.

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