#105 - Checkout After Login v0.1

Automatically launch the checkout if a member selects a price before logging in.

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  /* Checks if the current URL matches the configured redirect URL, or if no specific URL is required */
  function isCorrectPage() {
    return redirectOnLoginURL === '' || window.location.pathname === redirectOnLoginURL;

  /* Checks if Memberstack is fully loaded before running any Memberstack-specific code.*/
  function memberstackReady(callback) {
    function checkAndExecute() {
      if (window.$memberstackDom) {
        callback(); // Memberstack is ready, run the callback function.
      } else {
        setTimeout(checkAndExecute, 100); // Wait for 100ms and check again.

    checkAndExecute(); // Start checking if Memberstack is ready.

  /* Initiates the Stripe checkout process with a specified price ID.*/
  async function initiateCheckout(priceId) {
    try {
      // Set a flag in session storage to indicate that the checkout page was accessed.
      sessionStorage.setItem('ms_checkout_viewed', 'true');
      await window.$memberstackDom.purchasePlansWithCheckout({
        priceId, // The price ID for the product being purchased.
        returnUrl: window.location.href, // Redirect the user back here after completing the checkout.
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Failed to initiate payment:', error); // Provide error details in the console.

  /* Main execution flow that starts once Memberstack is confirmed to be ready */
  memberstackReady(() => {
    window.$memberstackDom.getCurrentMember().then(({ data: member }) => {
      if (member && sessionStorage.getItem('ms_price') && !sessionStorage.getItem('ms_checkout_viewed')) {
        initiateCheckout(sessionStorage.getItem('ms_price')); // Start the checkout process if conditions are met.
    }).catch(error => {
      console.error('Failed to retrieve user data:', error); // Log an error if fetching member data fails.

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1. Téléchargez le modèle JSON ci-dessous pour commencer.

2. Naviguez jusqu'à Make.com et créez un nouveau scénario...

3. Cliquez sur la petite boîte avec trois points, puis sur Import Blueprint...

4. Téléchargez votre fichier et voilà ! Vous êtes prêt à relier vos propres comptes.

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