#6 - Create Item Groups From Member JSON v0.2

Display JSON groups to logged in members using a placeholder element built in Webflow.

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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async function() {
  const memberstack = window.$memberstackDom;

  // Function to display nested/sub items
  const displayNestedItems = async function(printList) {
    const jsonGroup = printList.getAttribute('ms-code-print-list');
    const placeholder = printList.querySelector(`[ms-code-print-item="${jsonGroup}"]`);
    if (!placeholder) return;

    const itemTemplate = placeholder.outerHTML;
    const itemContainer = document.createElement('div'); // Create a new container for the items

    const member = await memberstack.getMemberJSON();
    const items = member.data && member.data[jsonGroup] ? Object.values(member.data[jsonGroup]) : [];
    if (items.length === 0) return; // If no items, exit the function

    items.forEach(item => {
      if (Object.keys(item).length === 0) return;

      const newItem = document.createElement('div');
      newItem.innerHTML = itemTemplate;
      const itemElements = newItem.querySelectorAll('[ms-code-item-text]');
      itemElements.forEach(itemElement => {
        const jsonKey = itemElement.getAttribute('ms-code-item-text');
        const value = item && item[jsonKey] ? item[jsonKey] : '';
        itemElement.textContent = value;

      // Add item key attribute
      const itemKey = Object.keys(member.data[jsonGroup]).find(k => member.data[jsonGroup][k] === item);
      newItem.firstChild.setAttribute('ms-code-item-key', itemKey);


    // Replace the existing list with the new items
    printList.innerHTML = itemContainer.innerHTML;

  // Call displayNestedItems function on initial page load for each instance
  const printLists = document.querySelectorAll('[ms-code-print-list]');
  printLists.forEach(printList => {

  // Add click event listener to elements with ms-code-update="json"
  const updateButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[ms-code-update="json"]');
  updateButtons.forEach(button => {
    button.addEventListener("click", async function() {
      // Add a delay of 500ms
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
      printLists.forEach(printList => {

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Version notes

v0.2 - Adding item key as an attribute

In order to do anything with these items in the future, we need to store the item key somewhere - so, the 0.2 script includes a function which automatically adds the item key as an attribute.

Aucun élément n'a été trouvé.