#118 - Save Member's Last IP Address v0.1

Update a custom field with the most recent IP address your members log in from.

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<!-- 💙 MEMBERSCRIPT #118 v0.1 💙 - SAVE LAST IP ADDRESS -->
  const memberstack = window.$memberstackDom;

  memberstack.getCurrentMember().then(async (response) => {
    if (response && response.data) {
      const member = response.data;
      try {
        // Fetch the current IP address from the ipify API
        const ipResponse = await fetch('https://api.ipify.org?format=json');
        const ipData = await ipResponse.json();
        const currentIpAddress = ipData.ip;

        // Retrieve the stored IP address from Memberstack's custom fields
        const storedIpAddress = member.customFields["last-ip"];

        // Check if the IP address has changed and update if necessary
        if (currentIpAddress !== storedIpAddress) {
          await memberstack.updateMember({
            customFields: {
              "last-ip": currentIpAddress
          // Optional: Uncomment the line below to log a message when the IP is updated
          // console.log('IP address updated');
        } else {
          // Optional: Uncomment the line below to log when the IP remains unchanged
          // console.log('IP address unchanged, no update needed');
      } catch (error) {
        // Log any errors encountered during the fetch or update process
        console.error('Error checking or updating member IP:', error);
    } else {
      // Optional: Uncomment the line below to log when no member is logged in
      // console.log('No member is currently logged in');

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